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Treasures of the Holy Land

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ISBN: 0-88141-045-4
8.70 Ounces
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Includes 24 line drawings.

This journey through the Holy Land with Veselin Kesich, professor emeritus of New Testament at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, and his wife Lydia provides new insights and illumines the sites with historical and scriptural background information, thus providing the reader with a new understanding of the biblical narrative. The vivid descriptions focus on all levels of influence: Hellenistic, Roman, Jewish, early Christian, Byzantine, Muslim, and modern.

Join the authors as they travel through Galilee and the cites of the Decapolis, visiting Caesarea Philippi, Capernaum, Tiberius and Nazareth; through the cities surrounding Jerusalem: Bethlehem, Gethsemane, Bethany; and into the Judean desert, to Masada, Qumran, and the desert monastery of Mar Saba. Illustrated with twenty exquisite line drawings and four maps.